Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I Love Getting High

There is something so true about me that I never want to stop doing.

I want to get high.  I want to get high every day.  I want to chase that high for the rest of my life.

I started getting high about 3 years ago but had not fully
figured out why, or how.  A lot of times getting high includes coffee, but sometimes it doesn’t.  So what am I really talking about?  Let’s start here. In the book “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield he writes:

“Look in your own heart.  Unless I’m crazy, right now a still small voice is piping up, telling you as it has ten thousand times, the calling that is yours and yours alone.  You know it.  No one has to tell you.  And unless I’m crazy, you are no closer to taking action on it that you were yesterday or will be tomorrow.  You think Resistance isn’t real?  Resistance will bury you.”

The first time I read this I was blown away.  That still small voice.  I knew it. I had experienced it a handful of times and every time was magical.  That’s what it was.  My High.

My high looks like real connection and discovery.

Connection: a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else
Relationship: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
Discover: find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search.

So all of that means that I can get high alone, discovering more and more of who I am, but really I mostly prefer to get high with others.  There is something otherworldly about discovering what life has to offer with people.  I’ve experienced this is on a massage table, in a grocery store, in an office that used to be an elevator shaft (yes, this is my office, it’s incredibly glamorous), at a kitchen table, and even over social media.  And what I’ve seen is that so many of us are starving for connection.  Starving for a purpose.  Living our day to day lives in our own heads, doing what we think we should, and striving to get to that magical point when….  When life will change and I can live my dreams. 

Well friends, there is only one way to get there.  Figure out what it is your heart is telling you to do, and decide to do it.  Sometimes it’s so clear and other times you have to really search for it.  It’s not always easy but it is well worth figuring it out.  Is it scary?  HECK YES!

Although I knew what it was for me a few years ago I have no idea where it will take me and I am learning to chase it every day.  To let go of the fear, unknown and uncertainty. To chase that fleeting moment of feeling alive and knowing that all of the uncomfortable is completely worth it.

So I ask you the question…When was the last time you were high?

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