Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Things are hard

I've recently taken on a little bit of a new adventure that includes homeschooling my 13 year old cousin for a short time. Today we worked on algebra and I was able to witness a few things.

All the time we talk about the thoughts that we have and how they rule our feelings.  Not the other way around. 

From the very beginning of this journey, she let me know that she is not good at math.  (I happen to love math...and a I knew this was a math made in heaven).

Today, we cracked open the algebra book first thing this morning.  She read through the examples at the beginning of the section and started working on the practice problems.

As I was feeding one of the kids, I looked up and noticed she had paused.  I noticed the slight look of sadness on her face.  I saw a glimpse into what she believes is her struggle.

We took a moment. 

Me: What's going on?  Let's talk about it.
13: I am stressed.
Me: Why?
13: Because it's hard.
Me: You can do this. You are smart. Do you realize that you are learning this on your own just by reading it?  Most people would have a really hard time doing that. I will help you.

Then we proceeded to work through the problems together.  We spent the next couple of hours working through the problems.

And you know what?  Of course you know.  She did it.  

It's usually a lot easier to see situations outside of ourselves.  We believe in others.  So desperately hoping that they can see the potential in themselves.  And what we see is that they can do it.  It might be difficult...but it is still possible. 

And at the beginning of all of this struggle is a thought.  The negative thought that "I can't do it.  It's too hard."  And the truth about life is that we believe what we tell ourselves. We believe in our ability or inability to do things.  And we DO HOLD THE POWER to change the thought.  

Become aware.  
Listen to what you are saying. 
Get help if you need it.  
And do the possible.

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