Tuesday, February 9, 2016


You know that moment when you are admiring someone doing something really great?  You sit there in awe of them.  You think, wow!  That's amazing.  In that exact moment you are probably feeling really great.  You see their greatness and for a brief moment you believe that all things are possible.

This is how I get when I watch The Biggest Loser.  Yes. I said it.  I am obsessed.  I freaking love this show.  As someone who is clued in on emotion, and struggle, and belief it is one of the most amazing things to see people show themselves, both physically and emotionally.

They are searching.  They get to take the moment to kind of put a pause on life to try to figure out how they got to where they are.

Let's be honest.  Most of us don't want to do anything like that.

We don't want to show up and bear our all....I mean ALL, to a national audience.  And we definitely don't want to do that kind of intense work.

I used to enjoy the show as inspiration and entertainment.  And lucky for me it came on at a perfect time to eat dinner too.  There were countless times where I ate...you know...whatever I wanted....and watched people running their hearts out.  Still I was inspired, at least on the surface.

This season life looks a little different for me.  Now I try to sneak in 15 - 20 minutes of the show, by myself, while working out.  I am using their lives to change mine.  I am taking their struggles and applying them to me.

I want to be inspired into ACTION not just entertainment. Here are a few things I've learned.

1. I am just like them.  I have pain and struggle and am capable of triumph.

2. This shit is hard.  I'm not usually for using these sort of words (you know...on the blog anyway) but dang.  It is HARD.  It's hard to believe in yourself.  It's hard to take time for yourself.  It's hard to deny yourself.

3. YOU ARE COMPLETELY WORTH IT.  I'm not talking about putting your life on hold for 3 months, although if that is right for you, then by all means.  I'm saying that you are worth the time, the energy and the SELF INVESTMENT. A lot of us don't even know what that means or where you would begin.  

4. Sometimes we need HELP.  Professional help.  We need someone to jump start us on the path of greatness.  To be in our corner...even if we pay them to.  To believe in us until we can believe in ourselves the same way.  Find that person.  Wherever they may be.  Find them in one of The Biggest Loser trainers.  Find them on Instagram.  Find them in your city.  Whatever you do FIND them.  Draw on their inspiration to get you going.  You don't have to do it alone. 
You are capable of the greatness that you witness in others.  And you are capable of the greatness and inspiration you feel in that single second before all of the negative talk comes in.  Find more of those moments and take action.  Just keep moving forward.

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