Thursday, February 18, 2016


We all know that most of the patters we have were established a long time ago.  Well, some of us know that. But knowing comes on several different levels.  Here's how I describe them.

1. History  
2. Intellectual
3. Comedian
4. Transformation

History - This level of knowing is based on something that happened in the past. The "it doesn't affect me" sort of knowing.  A knows historically understands that it was an event or series of event that may have affected them at one point

Intellectual - This kind of knowing is best displayed in someone who has a sense that the things in your life can play a role in who you are now.  This understanding sometimes comes out in one on one conversations with close friends and family.

Comedian - This kind of knowing is my favorite (mostly because I lived here for the majority of my life) because it appears to be and often is the most transparent.  The person in the comedian level of knowing is fully aware of their past and can openly talk about it.  To someone in this level of knowing all of their "stuff" is perfectly normal, maybe not right, but has become a part of who they believe they are.

Transformation - We all "know" that this is where the magic happens.  This level of knowing requires action and work.  It is the last step in understanding patterns and sometimes requires continual evaluation.  A person who understands knowing at this level often displays more ease and understanding of themselves and pushes towards positive change.

The crazy part about all of these levels of knowing is that you can be in several at once with different situations.  You may be in transformation of part of your life and have an intellectual understanding of another.  This may look like transformation around money ideas taught/or not taught to you when you were younger but an history knowing of communicating clearly in relationships.

Understanding who we are and how things affects us only opens us up for growth opportunities.  Though they are not always easy..they are usually worth it.

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