Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Your complaining is annoying

You know the story.

Girl is married with 2 kids under 3.
Girl's 3 year old was sick the full week of Thanksgiving.
Girl's job is ending in 5 weeks.
Girl is moving in 5 weeks.
Girl is bored with work.
Girl is starting new adventures.


Geez.  Could something else be thrown into transition.  Yep.  Something else could.

Over the last few days I have been so completely and utterly complainy.  If not out loud than definitely in my head. 

"Oh my gosh!  I've got so much to do.  Daycare will be done in 2 weeks.  We need someone to watch the boys while we finish work.  We need to pack. We need to get rid of stuff.  What furniture are we going to take?  What date will we move? What do we need to get done?  What's for dinner?"


All this stuff is driving me crazy.  And when I don't know which thing to do...I DO NOTHING!

Let me tell you.  This is a horrible place to be.  It happened at work yesterday and for about 30 minutes I feel like I just sat there.  Staring at the computer screen.  Replaying the crap in my head.

And then?  Then I realized that I could change it. (Oh, there is this little practice I'm learning called thought awareness)  Right, Shalaun! What are you thinking?  Remember, you have the ability to change it.

And so I did.  I got up from my desk.  I grabbed my planner, a great cup of tea, and chose different thoughts which resulted in different behaviors.  

I can't say that I got a ton of things done.  What I can say is that I:

- Felt better
- Got some of the list out of my head and on paper
- Was more productive 
and most importantly
- I shut down the complaining!!!

I mean sure, there is a ton to do, and even more transition.  But it's all doable and will, in fact, get done.  So stop complaining and do something about it.  Even if its just one thing.

Choose your thoughts.  Choose your mood.  And choose to better.

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