Monday, December 14, 2015

Not Just Another Monday

It's not just another Monday.  It is, in fact, the last Monday of full time work. 


I knew this day was coming but I am FREAKING OUT that it is here.  There is so much change and transition on the horizon and let me tell you...


I don't know:
-How to be a stay at home mom
-How to start my own business
-How to live back in my hometown (and all the things, people, and new routines that will come)
-How to move my family
-How we'll adjust to our new normal

All I know is that the days keep coming.

People keep asking me if I'm excited and I just sit there...dumbfounded at the amount of change. It's like my brain is frozen.  And if there is anything that I don't need to do, I'm definitely getting that done because where do you start?  Where people!?!? Please tell me.

If you are right where I am (or maybe this post is just stressing you out) it's ok.  I'm hoping that sharing these feelings will make life a little more bearable.  That I'll be able to look for the next right little thing to do.  Like buy light bulbs to replace the ones that are out in our rental.  

Maybe I won't be completely packed and ready to go by the end of the day. Or know all of the things that need to be done before my days at work are over.  But what I do know is that the days will keep coming, things will get done, some things will come to an end and new beginnings will happen.

So, instead of freaking out, I'll try to choose progress.  Even if it is light bulbs and a clean kitchen table.  I will fumble through it.  I will choose to do one more thing. 

Because, that's how it works.  

There are no magic solutions.  Just one foot in front of the other.  And that it will be ok.  Even if I choose to sit on the couch and waste 3 hours.

It's ok. We'll figure it out.

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