Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Resolutions. Oh please...

Let's get our feet a little wet this year.  Let's decide and commit to change some things about ourselves. 

But how the heck are we going to do that? 

To be completely honest with you I am just not feeling it and I'm unsure where to even start. 

Usually at the beginning of each year I take a little time to think about my goals for the year.  Sometimes they are specific like reading a certain number of books and sometimes they are generic like healthy mind.  But this year I have been dragging my feet.

With all of the recent change sometimes I feel like I have accomplished all I needed to accomplish by making in through the move and settling in.  I'm sure my Peeps have had times like that too.  Where just making it through the day is an accomplishment.  So we'll pat ourselves on the back and move on.  But somewhere underneath I know that right now this is not all I want.  And so I've come up with a few steps for us to get through this time.

Where you are...Mentally.Trying to figure out where you are is really important to planning where you want to be.  Some things you might answer are...  What is currently going on in my life? How am I feeling overall?

WHY you want to change.  A real look at why is always a good idea.  Questions in this step look like... Do I want to change because it's "that time of year?  Am I feeling positive or negative about changing?

Make goals based off of your conclusions.  Change can come from positive and negative thoughts.  Being fed up or highly motivated.  Decide now how you want to feel as you journey through.  Add some challenge and some reality.  It's always motivating to have a more realistic start with some great wins.  That way, as you are building new good habits, you are feeling good about it and adding new challenges as you go.

This is where I'm starting.  I hope you'll join me here.  

If you're anything like me, a little realism is always helpful to get us out of the clouds.  And if you're one of my Peeps on the more realistic side of life...allow yourself to DREAM a little....just this once.  It won't hurt too bad.  Can't wait to see all of your comments below about your goals and how you'll tackle them!!

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